Hello, and welcome to my blog.

I am making this blog to share my budget recipes, sometimes when people thing of budget meals thinking they're cheap tasteless and boring.
This is not always true... 
I have learnt to be savvy with my money especially when rent has to be paid and then you have little next to nothing in your purse.
I have had to use a food bank before now, and this is what has inspired me to do this blog, hopefully this will be of some use to anyone who comes across my blog

Each recipe will be with the minimum of ingredients, assuming you will have the basics like salt, pepper, mixed dried herbs, vinegar, oil, and some sort of spice.

I can promise my spelling and grammar is not perfect.
I will not promise that each meal will look pretty
I can promise some of the combinations may be a little bizarre.
I can't promise each meal will have the recommend daily vegetables intake.
I hope most importantly I can make full tummies, as full tummies are happy tummies.

I will try but won't promise to post daily. But what I will post when I do, is recipes, tips I think might help, or just a chatty blog.

Type to you soon
L. xoxo
